Sri Chitra Home
For Destitutes And Infirm

Vocational Programme

Educational / Vocational Training

Inmates have the opportunities for education up to college level and also technical education and vocational training.Besides these training we are also giving cultural and physical education, book binding, printing, garment making, tailoring,STD/ISD, Photo copying, farming, oil painting, etc.

Band Troup & Thalappoli

Another attractive feature is the band troupe of Chitra Home. Dressed up in elegant uniform and accompanied by Beats of Band, the impressive march past of the ladies is a real pleasure for eyes. They are trained professionally by experienced master with expert knowledge in the field. It is a well known fact that, the troupe bagged several awards and citations. The band troupe is very professional with 30 members. The rate for this one hour programme is Rs 3,000 and vehicle charges are extra.


It is our traditional form of welcoming and receiving guests by ladies dressed in kasavu mundu , holding lamp and showering flowers .
For welcoming VIP`s or Inaugural functions, Processions or Marriage functions we accept bookings and perform Thalappoli.
The charge for this 20 member team is Rs 2,000 and vehicle charges are extra.
The ladies who participate in the above programmes earn income also from this. They are paid 20% of the income from these programmes. This income is used to meet their personal needs.


Marriage of female inmates is an effective form of rehabilitation.
We have conducted many marriages for the inmates so far. Many of the Grooms come directly expressing their desire to marry our inmate. The first step is for the superintendent to interview the applicant to find out the details about him and the factors that prompted him to come seeking the hands of a destitute inmate of the Home. After finding out from the applicant all the required details, if superintendent feels that the applicant is acceptable suitable match will be identified from the inmates above 21 years, and shown. If both of them agrees, the applicant has to fill up a prescribed application form. The District Probation Oficer of the Social welfare Department of the concerned place of the applicant conduct detailed enquiry about the whereabouts and provide detailed report. If favorable reports are received, the subject will be placed before the Managing Committee and the marriage will be fixed.The Marriages are performed in the presence of distinguished guests like Ministers , Social Leaders and Government Officers .Caste is not a factor for the marriages here.
The expenses are met by the generous help extended by sponsors. Marriages are arranged by the Home, meeting all the expenses including gold ornaments and dress for the bride. The bride groom has to bring the `Thali` and chain.

Employement Venture

Sri Chitra Book Binding

Sri Chitra`s quality bound books are used in Govt. offices, schools and colleges. By this venture we are able to provide employment to the inmates and find income to meet the expenses of the centre. We can make the books available for use as per the order.

Sri Chitra Printing Press

We undertake any kind of printing work at competitive rate. Printing works are done under quality supervision. Most of the inmates are working in the unit to find an earning for their future.

Sri Chitra Garment making unit

We produce different kinds of dresses, specially Churidars and Kids wears. The talented embroidery designers and fabric painters produce very attractive dresses according to fashion and tastes of the client.

Sri Chitra Tailoring Unit

We produce different kinds of dresses, specially Churidars and Kids wears. The talented embroidery designers and fabric painters produce very attractive dresses according to fashion and tastes of the client.